“When I turned around, I saw myself reflected from every angle. In fact, I was in a room full of mirrors, and there were now thousands of me. The sky had vanished, replaced by a ceiling mirror, and when I looked up, my multitudes looked down on me. Hari Puri was no longer with me and I was sitting atop an abyss, in a world that consisted only of my own reflected image.”
Sacred Speech
Patanjali Yoga Sutras
Patanjali’s work, as well as its many commentaries by others, are “assuming,” as a given, the metaphysical dimensions of Speech.
The Yoga Sutras speak about consciousness, and Patanjali deploys the word for consciousness, citta, more than any other word.
New Age No Edge
The best way to preserve the oral tradition is to be a witness of the world and life, and PASS IT DOWN, to your kids, or students, or whoever you have to pass it down to.
Pervasive Speech – an “ah-ha” moment
It is not enough to just embrace the idea of that and reify or deify an idea but to start looking at process, the application, and the knowledge of that, and especially how that relates to the knowledge of ourselves—which is, as I have said before, is really what this whole thing is all about.
TV Story about Perception
they just couldn’t imagine the possibility of a little man and a little woman sitting inside of this box that you had to plug into the wall current that the if there wasn’t a power cut you could see.