Dussehra Vijayadashmi 2015
Navratri Day Ten – Dussehra
Today, October 22, 2015, begins as the Mahanavami, the ninth phase of the moon, in which we invoke Siddhidatri, Who provides the “26 wishes” to Her devotees. After noon, Indian time, (6:30 AM GMT), the Moon goes into its tenth phase, which is known all over India as Vijayadashmi, the “Tenth Moon (consisting of) of Supreme Victory,” Dussehra.
Vijayadashmi is observed and celebrated as the victory of good over evil, truth over untruth, and Nature over those who would subdue Her. Cosmic events reenacted, sung, told, and danced in India for thousands of years, reflect this Supreme Victory.
Durga Ma slays the Buffalo Demon (Mahisasura), as Adi Shakti in Her various forms slay demons who would silence Speech.
Lord Ram slays the arch demon Ravana, who would control and dominate the Earth Goddess Herself, Sita.
On this day, we also make an invocation, a puja to Saraswati Ma, Goddess of Speech, asking for Her protection and blessings.
On this day, EVERY YEAR, a sign is reflected on the sky that the Earth is liberated from injustice, untruth, and domination. If even for a split second. But it’s there. And there are countless millions of regular people who joyfully witness this.
May the Great Mother give special blessings to all humankind to share this vision.
May She bless you.
Baba Rampuri
Navratri 2016
Navratri Blessings 2016
Durga Maa – Mahishasura Mardini Long ago in a time not so different from now, the mighty Asura king Mahishasura was granted the boon of immortality by Shiva, because of his extreme tapasya and prolonged meditation. […]

Navratri Durga Puja 2016 dates
Navratri Durga Puja 2016 – dates Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu Shakti Rupen Sansthita Namah Tasmai Namah Tasmai Namah Tasmai Namo Namah On Saturday, October 1, 2016, on the first day of the bright half of the […]

Navratri Day One 2016; Invoking Shailaputri Devi
Navratri Durga Puja 2016 Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu Shakti Rupen Sansthita Namah Tasmai Namah Tasmai Namah Tasmai Namo Namah Navratri Day One – October 1, 2016 – Ghatsthapana Invoking Shailaputri Devi On Navratri Day One 2016, on […]

Navratri Day Two 2016 – Chandra Darshan
The first lunar night of Navratri 2016 covers two days according to the Indian Panchang. On Navratri Day Two 2016, it is still the Pratipada, the first night of the moon. The significance of the second […]

Navratri Day Three 2016 – Brahmacharini Ma
Mother Goddess as Yogini – Brahmacharini Ma Tonight, on the second night of the waxing Moon, Navratri Day Three 2016, Monday, October 3, we worship Durga Ma as the tapasvini, Brahmacharini Ma, who we also know […]

Navratri Day Four 2016 – Chandraghanta Ma
On Navratri Day Four 2016, Tuesday, October 4, the third day of the Moon, we worship Chandraghanta Ma, who is also Parvati, but AFTER her marriage to Shiva, and this is marked by Shiva’s 5 day […]

Navratri Day Five 2016 – Kushmanda Devi
On Navratri Day Five 2016, Wednesday, October 5, we invoke and worship Kushmanda Ma, the 4th manifestation of Durga, Whose name alone is a compendium of knowledge and secrets. If we pronounce Her name correctly, which […]

Navratri Day Six 2016 – Invoking Devi Skandamata
On Navratri Day Six 2016, Thursday, October 6, the fifth day of the Moon, Panchami, we invoke and worship the Devi Skandamata, who as a further manifestation of Parvati, gives birth to Kartikeya, also known as […]

Navratri Day Seven 2016 – Invoking Katyayani Ma
On Navratri Day Seven 2016, Friday, October 7, we invoke and worship Katyayani Mata, the 6th manifestation of Durga. Katyayani Mata rules Jupiter. It was the great Rishi and Grammarian, Katyayana, without whose commentary, the Vedas […]

Navratri Day Eight 2016 – Invoking Kalratri Devi
On Navratri Day Eight 2016, the 7th day of the Moon, Saturday, October 8, we invoke the 7th of Durga Ma’s manifestations, certainly Her most frightening, Kalratri Ma. Her image alone is unsettling – while most […]

Navratri Day Nine 2016 – Invoking Mahagauri Ma
On Navratri Day Nine 2016, the Maha Ashtami of Durga, Sunday, October 9, 2016, Her 8th manifestation appears, Mahagauri Ma. Yesterday, Her color was midnight black, today She is effulgent white, as Her name suggests. Gauri […]