Deconstructing Yoga: Liberating Consciousness Retreat hosted by Baba Rampuri at his dhuni in Goa, India December 18-24, 2015 Our December retreat, “Deconstructing Yoga: Liberating Consciousness,” will take place at my dhuni in Goa from December 18-24, […]
higher consciousness
Liberating Consciousness: Deconstructing Yoga
Deconstructing Yoga: Liberating Consciousness Retreat hosted by Baba Rampuri at his dhuni in Goa, India December 18-24, 2015 Our December retreat, “Deconstructing Yoga: Liberating Consciousness,” will take place at my dhuni in Goa from December 18-24, […]
Western Industrial Modern Postural Yoga VI
… how something is propagated, marketed. In the West what distinguishes Yoga from another system of physical culture is its branding, packaging and marketing as the “exotic” “mystical east” with its “until now” secret techniques, cures, […]
What do humans need to learn to evolve to a higher consciousness?
What do humans need to learn to evolve to a higher consciousness? Baba interviewed by Willi Paul at PlanetShifter Magazine We require no further evolution, if there is indeed any evolution of consciousness, to reach a […]