What is truly spectacular and indispensable about Sanskrit, IF EVEN for no other reason, is because the language comes with a highly detailed manual, including the code itself, supported by 2500 years of commentary. Compared to […]
Patanjali, Cognition and Yoga IX
“There is certainly an academic argument regarding the theory of two Patanjalis, but I have never come across this argument in my oral tradition and related traditions in my 45 years of interest. Not once. I […]
Introduction to Panini 1
Baba Rampuri, in his introduction to Panini, discusses the enormous impact the sage Panini has had on both the ancient and modern worlds.
Panini – Birth of Linguistics (4)
Panini – Birth of Linguistics (4) Consciousness and Speech Series XI. Sacred Speech Masterclass XI, part one. Baba Rampuri attributes to Panini the birth of linguistics, 2500 years after his time. In his introduction to Panini, […]
Panini – Master of Sacred Speech (5)
Introduction to Panini 5 Consciousness and Speech Series XI. Sacred Speech Masterclass XI, part one. Baba Rampuri, in his introduction to Panini, discusses the enormous impact the sage Panini has had on both the ancient and […]