Baba Rampuri talks about how the Yogi reads the world as a text. “‘Hinduism’ is a recent word constructed in the West by India’s colonizers to represent a set of beliefs thought to be held by […]
History of the Naga Babas – III
History of the Naga Babas Baba Rampuri narrates the history of the Naga Babas and Sannyasis from Guru Dattatreya in the age of the Ramayana through Adi Sankara to the present time. “I was enchanted by […]
The idea of India – I
Our understanding of India is an imperial culture’s construction of its colony.
Peter Pannke sings Dhrupad
[embedyt][/embedyt] Maestro Peter Pannke sings Dhrupad at the dhuni of Baba Rampuri during the Kumbh Mela at Hardwar, 2010.
Wedding band at the Kumbh Mela
A young man entertains Naga Babas during Kumbh Mela with his trumpet at the dhuni of Baba Rampuri. The resemblance to Balkan gypsies is curious.