Retreat Testimonials

Hari Karam Singh
London, U.K.
He’s one of the most fascinating people with whom you could ever have a conversation and his conversation of choice, Speech in all it’s functions, philosophies and fallacies, is probably the single most important one to be having right now. Babaji gives you a glimpse onto another world and clearly draws the ties to the modern story.
Nothing short of mind-blowing.
And his chelas are amazing cooks."
“The Diwali 2014 retreat with Baba Rampuri turned out to be one of the most fascinating, inspiring and valuable experiences of my life.
I have never come across anyone who could explain and articulate such a complex subject matter and make it so understandable, interesting, enjoyable and available to a regular person.
His storytelling abilities are extraordinary and his knowledge of subjects ranging from history to geography, politics, literature, movies & art is exceptional. Viewing these subjects through Baba Ji’s knowledge tradition is extremely interesting. I thank him for being such an important part of my life.
I feel that the experience gave me more than the past 10 years of quite intense study of various spiritual subjects. Whenever I think back I am filled with joy and feeling of gratitude for the blessings I feel that I received.
Among the benefits I received from the retreat, I learned and realized that an essential part of increasing my Self Knowledge is getting a deeper understanding of my own culture and background. What is it really to be Norwegian and what does it do to me. I got more handles on the concepts of Sacred Speech & I am continuing my studies and inquiry by practicing what we learned.
I highly recommend doing a Retreat and Pilgrimage with Baba Rampuri. I feel that anyone interested in learning more about themselves & about life will receive tremendous benefits from the experience.

Jan Baggerud Larson
Oslo, Norway