Pilgrimage & Darshan Pilgrimage and Darshan Baba Rampuri talks about the significance of pilgrimage and darshan, “the beholding.” Tirthas as crossing over places. Magic happens anywhere worlds meet: at a crossroads, the seashore, graveyards, airports, hospitals, […]
The idea of India – I
Our understanding of India is an imperial culture’s construction of its colony.
Peter Pannke sings Dhrupad
[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EBOEPg84bD8[/embedyt] Maestro Peter Pannke sings Dhrupad at the dhuni of Baba Rampuri during the Kumbh Mela at Hardwar, 2010.
Wedding band at the Kumbh Mela
A young man entertains Naga Babas during Kumbh Mela with his trumpet at the dhuni of Baba Rampuri. The resemblance to Balkan gypsies is curious.
Jangams at the Kumbh Mela
The Jangams are a mystical caste of itinerant bards closely attached to Naga Babas, singing trance inducing songs of the lineages of yogis, songs of secret knowledge, and about Gods and Goddesses. Here they appear at […]