Photos of Hindu Gods and Goddesses

Photos of Hindu Gods and Goddesses with links to photos on Flickr/Picasa

The Nectar of Immortality

NOW… before time was counted, the Devas, who we know as gods, and the Asuras, who we know as demons, let their eternal differences be forgotten for a timeless moment, and joined together to churn the Ocean of Milk (Ksirabdhi) for […]

Lakshmi Ganesh Yantra

Afterwards, give WITH BOTH HANDS the red flower that was placed on the yantra to a special female, wife, mother, daughter, best friend, girlfriend, etc., whether or not she was present during the invocation. At the moment you give it to her, imagine her to be the Mother Goddess Herself.

Renuka Mata Darshan

Renuka Mata Darshan The Mother Renuka in Mahurgarh is a head.  A glimmering orange sindhur moonrock egg, head.  Way too naïve to be benign.  Almost cartoon-like, something I would never expect, I felt like I had […]