Deconstructing Consumer Yoga

I participated in a conversation on my Facebook profile page between May 16-19, with the purpose to examine closely our own narratives about yoga, spirituality, mysticism, self-knowledge. The goal is to use that “deconstruction” as an exercise in liberating our consciousness, by identifying our own innate structures and conditioning to understand ourselves and the world around us with much greater clarity. Let this be a contribution towards deconstructing consumer yoga.

Yoga Education VIII

It would behoove the USA and indeed the entire world if they would focus on giving the kids a better education as the USA is on the bottom of the rankings in the modern world, rather than having Wall Street trying to figure out how to sneak branded yoga into public schools.

Science and Yoga X

“Let’s not fall for the mythology that science is “supposed to” equal truth or is even supposed to seek Truth, any more than history is an account of what actually happened. These are sophisticated games with […]