
Secret Shakti of Matrikas

Secret Shakti of Matrikas Syllables of Sacred Speech Basel, Switzerland, 2008   Baba Rampuri talks about the nature of sacred speech: syllables, aksharas, and matrikas living in the sacred geography of our articulation. “For, as the […]


Recordings from Baba Rampuri’s retreat in Sweden, 2009. Chants and arati with Baba Rampuri, chelas and students. Shiva Omkareshwar Ka Arati [podcast][/podcast] Shri Dattatreya Ji Ki Arati [podcast][/podcast] Vande Strotram [podcast][/podcast] Ganapati Ji Ki Arati [podcast][/podcast] […]

The Edge of Indian Spirituality

[podcast][/podcast] Speech at the World Psychedelic Forum in Basel, March 2008 The Edge of Indian Spirituality – The Oral Tradition of Naked Yogis Magic happens anywhere worlds meet: at a crossroads, the seashore, graveyards, airports, hospitals, […]