When you think about integration, what are the key tools for human organizing?
Baba interviewed by Willi Paul at PlanetShifter Magazine
The easiest way of human organizing is along the lines of ideology, so that one is empowered to protect, defend, and promote what one believes. The weaker the substance of the belief, the stronger the need to defend or promote it. It’s always been very difficult to organize conscious people for this reason.
I think back to May ’68 in France, when the students and workers organized perhaps one of the greatest displays of civil disobedience, stopping the entire country for several days to cause the public to think about some wrongs in society. It was a time of incredible hope for a more conscious future, and a surge of confidence in the power of the people to change things. If we look at those who organized this great event, we discover that many of them are now part of the very bureaucracy they opposed and fought to defeat.
Ideology is the expedient way to organize humans, but is not sustainable. Ideology is fickle, and almost always changes with the times. Let’s not forget that the architects of neo-Imperialism, Irag, Afghanistan, etc., were 60’s radicals. One of Bush’s top speechwriters wrote for one of America’s most radical magazines of the 60’s.