Navratri Durga Puja 2016 – dates
Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu Shakti Rupen Sansthita
Namah Tasmai Namah Tasmai Namah Tasmai
Namo Namah

Durga Maa – Mahamahishasurmardini
On Saturday, October 1, 2016, on the first day of the bright half of the moon in Ashwin, the Sharda Navratri Durga Puja 2016 dates commence.
Observing the Navratra fast while performing the sacred rites of The Mother Goddess for nine days (which in this year is actually eleven days – because of the mix with the Gregorian calendar) bestows Her blessings upon the devotee.
Navratri is a festival in honor of nine embodiments of Goddess Durga. During this sacred period, devotees establish murtis or images of Goddess Durga at puja places in sanctified areas of their homes.
During these nine days, nine manifestations of the Goddess Durga are not only prominently invoked, but all Her names are recited.
After making the fasting resolution, we construct an altar made from earth into which we sow Barley seeds. The kalash is then established on the altar. We worship our family or personal manifestation of the Mother Goddess, placing Her murti or image on or next to the kalash.
We chant the Durga Saptashati, which consists of seven hundred mantras coming from Markandeya Purana. Worshiping Durga Saptashati cures many incurable diseases and fulfills wishes of devotees.
In addition, the following Mantra can be recited:
Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu Buddhi Rupen Sansthita
Namastubhyam Namastubhyam Namastubhyam
Namo Namah
Navratri 2016 October Dates
Mahalaya – Friday, September 30, 2016
Chandi Stotram is recited as an invocation of Goddess Durga, that she may descend to Earth, and allow us to have Her darshan, as she has throughout the cycles of time for the protection of the Gods & Goddesses as well as for the protection & prosperity of humankind. Even the Gods & Goddesses honor Her and invoke Her at this time. This day concludes our period of honoring our ancestors, with a morning tarpan, and begins the period of worshipping the Devi. It heralds the advent of Durga Puja.
She vanquishes the demons, the bad spirits, and that which obstructs Dharma and its performance.
Navratri Day 1 – Saturday, October 1, 2016 – Ghatsthapana
Pratipada – Kalash Sthapana – worshipping Shailaputri Devi
Pratipada of Ashwin Shukla Paksha. On the first day of Navratra, after purification with Ganga Jal, the kalash is established in a ritual known as the ghat sthapana or kalash sthapana. Sand of seven colors are mixed and an altar is prepared on which the Kalash is established. In this puja, all the nine planets, Gods and Goddesses invoked and invited to sit in the Kalash. Seven types of sands, betel-nut and coins are offered it is decorated with five types of leaves. Seven types of Barleys and grains are sown below the Kalash which are harvested on Dashmi date. All the Gods and Goddesses are worshiped for nine days with the murti of Goddess Durga in the middle. On the right side, there may be Ganesh and Mahalakshami, and on the left, Kartikeya and Goddess Saraswati.
Many devotees also plant barley in clay pots and place next to images of the Mother Goddess. Establishing the kalash maintains the auspiciousness of the period during the fast. It is said to be a form of Lord Ganesha and worshiped first of all the Gods. The Kalash is established before beginning the fast, filled with holy water, and covered with a coconut, and then the akhand jyoti deepa of Bhagawati Devi.
Shailaputri Devi
Shailaputri, also known as Parvati or Hemavati, is the first form of Goddess Durga to be worshiped. ‘Shail’ means mountain and ‘Putri’ means daughter. Parvati, the daughter of King of the Mountain, Himavan, is called ‘Shailaputri’. She rides a bull, holding a trident and a lotus flower in her hands.
The Goddess was born as Sati to the King Daksha, a son of Brahma. Sati was a stoic devotee of Shiva, who had done severe penance to win her Lord’s heart and married him. King Daksha had organized a Mahayagna in which all the Gods except Shiva was invited. Sati the Mahayajna despite Shiva’s warnings, and when Daksha insulted her divine husband, Sati sacrificed herself to the yagna fire. After that, she took birth as the daughter of Himavan and was called Shailaputri.
Maa Shailaputri Mantra
वन्दे वाञ्छितलाभाय चन्द्रार्धकृतशेखराम्।
वृषारुढां शूलधरां शैलपुत्रीं यशस्विनीम्॥
Vande Vanchhitalabhay chandrardhakritshekharam |
Vrisharudham Shooldharam Shailputreem Yashasvineem ||
Navratri Day 2 – Sunday, October 2, 2012 – Chandra Darshan
Pratipada Tithi (continues from previous day)
Chandra Darshan is the first day of moon sighting after Amavasya, the no moon day. You may observe a day-long fast and break it after sighting new moon on Chandra Darshan day.The moon is visible only for a short span of time on the Chandra Darshan, just after the sunset. The moon sets about one hour after sunset and can be sighted only after sunset in the same horizon as that of the sun. The moon can be sighted only after the sunset when it is also going to be set. This will take place from 18:18 to 19:20 PM.
Navratri Day 3 – Monday, October 3, 2016 – Dwitiya
Dwitiya Tithi – Worshiping Brahmacharini Devi embodiment of the Mother Goddess
On the Dwitiya Tithi, Brahmacharini is worshiped. She is the Yogini, the ascetic practicing tapas. Hibiscus and lotus flowers are used to garland Mata Brahmacharini as Maa likes these two flowers very much.
She is also known as Tapascharini, Aparna and Uma and is the second form of Shakti. Here Brahma means tapas. Brahmacharini is one who practices tapasya. The form of Brahmacharini is majestic, personifying love and loyalty. She holds a mala in her right hand and kamandal in her left.
Rishi Narada predicted on seeing her palm that she would marry Lord Shiva because she was Sati, the wife of Shiva in her previous birth and that she would have to perform penance to know Him in this birth too. During her tapas, she gradually reduced food intake finally giving up all food and water. She practiced the most severe form of tapasya and was thus known as Brahmacharini.
Maa Brahmacharini Mantra
दधाना कर पद्माभ्याम अक्षमाला कमण्डलू।
देवी प्रसीदतु मई ब्रह्मचारिण्यनुत्तमा।।
Dadhana Kar padmabhyam akshamala kamandalu|
Devi Praseedatu Mayi Brahmacharinyanuttama||
Navratri Day 4 – Tuesday, October 4, 2016 – Sindoor Tritiya
Tritiya Tithi – Worshiping of Chandraghanta Devi embodiment of the Mother Goddess
On the Tritiya Tithi, Chandraghanta Devi is worshiped. She removes the problems and little demons of life. Chandraghanta Devi is called the Goddess of spiritual and internal power. She has ten arms and three eyes, with Shiva’s crescent moon on her forehead. She has golden complexion and is ready for war. She wears a mala of bells which terrifies demons, as they attempt the silencing of bells, of articulation. She rides a tiger and protects Her devotees, gives peace and bestows ultimate good.
Mantra for Maa Chandraghanta Devi
Om Aim Hreem Chandraghantay Namah ||
Navratri Day 5 – Wednesday, October 5, 2016 – Varad Vinayak Chaturthi, Upang Lalita Vrat
Chaturthi Tithi – Kushmanda Devi embodiment of the Mother Goddess
Mother Goddess Kushmanda Devi is worshiped on the fourth day of the Moon, of Ashwin month. She has eight arms and is also called Ashtabhuja Devi. Her name is derived from Ku-Usma-Anda. `Ku` means `a little`, `Usma` is warmth, heat or energy and `Anda` means the cosmic egg “Brahmanda” or the universe. Her body shines like the glowing sun. In her seven hands she holds the kamandal, bow, arrow, lotus, a jar of amrit, discus, and mace. She holds a mala of lotus seeds in her eighth hand, which brings all kinds of accomplishments to Her devotees, a mala capable of bestowing the eight Siddhis and nine Nidhis. She rides a lion. Sorrows are eliminated, and life span, name, strength and health are blessed by Kushmanda Devi.
Mantra for Kushmanda Devi:
सुरासम्पूर्णकलशं रुधिराप्लुतमेव च ।
दधाना हस्तपद्माभ्यां कूष्माण्डा शुभदास्तु मे॥
Surasampurnakalasham Rudhiraplutmeva Cha ।
Dadhana Hastpadhyabhayam Kushmanda Shubhdastu Me ॥
Navratri Day 6 – Thursday, October 6, 2016 – Skandamata Puja
Panchami Tithi – Skandamata Devi embodiment of the Mother Goddess
The mother of Kartikeya, Skandamata Devi, is worshiped on the fifth day. Her blessings grant the wishes of Her devotees and bring peace and prosperity home. She has three eyes and four arms. Her two hands hold lotuses while she displays mudras of defense and ashirvad with her other two. She rides a lion.
Legend has it that demon Tarakasur pleased Brahma with extreme penance and asked for immortality. Brahma refused and asked him to wish for something else. Tarakasur being very clever asked for a boon that only the son of Lord Shiva could take his life. Tarakasur thought Lord Shiva would never discard his vow of celibacy, so there would be no son and he would never die. When all the Gods asked Shiva for help, he married Parvati and had Kartikeya who later killed the demon Tarkasur.
Mantra for Skandamata Devi:
सिंहासनगता नित्यं पद्माश्रितकरद्वया |
शुभदास्तु सदा देवी स्कन्द माता यशस्विनी ||
Sinhasangata Nityam Padmashritkardvya,
Shubhdastu Sada Devi Skand Mata Yashswini.
Navratri Day 7 – Friday, October 7, 2016 – Saraswati Awahan
Shashthi Tithi – Katyayani Devi embodiment of the Mother Goddess
The Rishi Katyayana worshiped the Mother Goddess so as to have Adi Shakti, Herself, incarnate as his daughter. She granted this to the Rishi, after being invoked by all the Gods to incarnate with all the powers of all the Gods, to stop a demon who had invaded Heaven itself. Katyayani Devi, born at the hermitage of the Rishi Katyanana on the 14th dark lunar fortnight in Ashwin, is worshiped on the sixth day of Navratra. Rishi Katyayana made puja to Her on the 7th, 8th, & 9th shukla paksh (bright fortnight), and She, as Amba Devi, slew the demon Mahishasura on the 10th. She has three eyes and four arms. One left-hand holds a weapon, the other a lotus. She rides a lion. Worshipping Her selflessly makes the devotee powerful and grants victory over enemies, and leads to the fulfilment of the four goals – Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha.
Maa Katyayani Mantra:
चन्द्रहासोज्वलकरा शार्दूलवरवाहना ।
कात्यायनी शुभं दद्याद्देवी दानवघातिनी॥
Chandrahasojvalakara Shardulvarvahna |
Katyayani Shubham Dadhyadevi Danavaghatini ||
Navratri Day 8 – Saturday, October 8, 2016 – Puja Kalaratri Puja
Saptami Tithi – Worshipping Kalratri Devi embodiment of the Mother Goddess
Destroyer of darkness and ignorance, Kalratri Devi is worshiped on the saptami tithi. She is also known as Shubhamkari, and gives blessings riddhi siddhi. This is auspicious for Tantric sadhana. Her face is as dark as night surrounded by wild luxuriant hair. Of Her four hands, the left two ones hold a cleaver and a torch, and the right two are in the mudras ashirvad and suraksha. Her three eyes emanate lightning, and flames appear from her nostrils. She rides a donkey.
Goddess Kalratri slew the demon, Raktabeej, who could multiply from every drop of his blood which fell on the ground. Kaalratri Devi drank the blood before it could reach the ground and vanquished him. She grants Her devotees peace and courage.
Saptami Tithi holds a place of great importance in Durga Puja. From this day onwards, the gates of Durga Mata are opened for public view and the devotees gather in large numbers for Her darshan.
Mantra for Maa Kalratri:
एकवेणी जपाकर्णपूरा नग्ना खरास्थिता।
लम्बोष्ठी कर्णिकाकर्णी तैलाभ्यक्त शरीरिणी॥
वामपादोल्लसल्लोह लताकण्टकभूषणा।
वर्धन मूर्धध्वजा कृष्णा कालरात्रिर्भयङ्करी॥
Ekveni Japakarnapura Nagna Kharastitha।
Lamboshthi Karnikakarni Tailabhyakta Sharirani ॥
Vaampadolla Salloh Lata Kanthak Bhushna ।
Vardhan Murdha Dhvaja Krishna Kalratribhayankari॥
Navratri Day 9 – October 9, 2016 – Saraswati Puja – Maha Lakshmi – Mahashtami – Annapoorna Parikrama – Durga Ashtami – Mahagauri Puja – Sandhi Puja
Ashtami Tithi – Worshipping Mahagauri Devi embodiment of the Mother Goddess
Mahagauri Devi, Durga’s eighth manifestation, is an eight-year-old child with complexion as fair as a conch, the Moon and the jasmine flower. Her clothes and ornaments are white and pure. She has three eyes and four arms. Her right upper hand is in the mudra of abhaya and right lower hand holds a trident in it. The left upper hand holds a tambourine and the lower one is in ashirvad mudra. Parvati, Gauri, covered by the dust of millenniums that settled on Her while making tapas, Shiva bathed her in Ganga Jal, making her shine and sparkle like lightening. She became known as Mahagauri. Tradition has it that a woman worships Mahagauri Devi for her husband’s longevity as unmarried females might obtain a suitable groom. She is known as a joyous Devi, who some devotees even think of as Santoshi Mata.
Maa Mahagauri Mantra:
श्वेते वृषेसमारूढा श्वेताम्बरधरा शुचिः।
महागौरी शुभं दद्यान्महादेव प्रमोददा॥
Shwete Vrishesamarudha Shwetambaradhara Shuchih।
Mahagauri Shubham Dadyanmahadeva Pramodada॥
Navratri Day 10 – October 10, 2016 – Saraswati Visarjan – Mahanavami
Navami Tithi – Worshipping Siddhidatri Devi embodiment of the Mother Goddess. Mahanavami is also the third and final day of Durga Puja.
Mata Siddhidatri is worshiped on the Navami Tithi of Navratri. ‘Siddhi’ means ‘perfection’ or ‘accomplished’. She has four arms in which there is a chakra in her right lower hand and a mace in the upper. She holds a conch in Her left lower hand and a lotus in her upper hand a lotus. She may be seated on a lotus flower or riding a lion. She removes the effects of adverse planetary positions and is a Healer of all disease. Even Lord Shiva’s siddhis are granted by Mata Siddhidatri Devi and realizing this, the Gods, Goddesses, and Rishis were able to have the darshan of Ardhanarishwar, Shiva’s body, having as its left side – Maha Shakti. Siddhidatri Mata grants extraordinary powers to Her devotees, as well as the ‘26 wishes’.
Navratri ends with a ritual of Kanya Puja. On the Navami of Navratri, 9 small girls and a boy of age less than ten years are to be fed and given dakshina. Boys are considered the guise of a Bhairav. It is also auspicious to perform a havan on the day or night before Kanya Puja. They should also be given prasad of the germinated barley. Devotees of the Mother Goddess feed the young girls dishes like halwa, puri, channa, rice kheer and with other bhog like batasha, sakriya, mishri, and coconut. Along with some dakshina, one may also give them beautiful clothes, jewelry or other gifts. To enhance prosperity, one may let the pulled out barley sprouts remain wherever money is kept in the house, or at least where financial books are kept. The holy water from the kalash may be sprinkled liberally around the home. The coconut is distributed to all, as the prasad of Ma Durga.
Mantra for Maa Siddhidatri:
सिद्ध गन्धर्व यक्षाद्यैरसुरैरमरैरपि।
सेव्यमाना सदा भूयात् सिद्धिदा सिद्धिदायिनी॥
Siddha Gandharva Yakshadyairasurairamarairapi ।
Sevyamana Sada Bhuyat Siddhida Siddhidayini ॥
Day 11 – October 11, 2016 – The eleventh day, Dashami Tithi, is celebrated as Dussehra, Navratri Parana, Durga Visarjan, Vijayadashami.
Dashami Tithi – Vijayadashami is celebrated as victory of Lord Rama over the Rakshasa/Demon Ravana as well as the day Goddess Durga slays the Buffalo Demon and thus becomes known as Mahisasuramardini, which means the She Who slays Mahisasura. Vijayadashami is also known as Dussehra or Dasara.
Sarva Mangal Mangalye Shive Sarvadh Sadhike Saranye Trayambake
Gauri Narayani Namostute
Navratri Stuti
Mangal ki Seva Sun Mere Deva Haath Jod Kar Tere Dwar Khade, Paan Supari Dhwajaa Nariyal Le Jwala Tere Bhet Dhare.
Sun Jagdambe kar na Vilambe Santan Ki Bhandaar Bhare, Santan Pratipali Sadaa Kushaali Jai Kaali Kalyani Kare. Mangal Ki…..
Buddhi Vidhata Tu Jagmata Mera Kaaraj Siddhi Kare, Charan Kamal ka Liya Aasraa Sharan Tumhari Aan Pare. Mangal ki….
Ab Jab Peer pare Bhaktan Par Tab Aay Sahay Kare, Santan Sukhdaye Sadaa Sahayi Sant Khade Jayakaar Kare. Mangal ki….
Bar Bar Tai Sab Mohro Taruni Roop Anoop Ghare, Mata Hokar Putra Khilave Kahi Bharya Bhog Kare. Mangal ki….
Santan Sukhdayi Sada Sahayi Sant Khade Jayakaar Kare, Santan Sukhdayi Sada Sahayi Sant Khade Jayakaar Kare. Mangal ki….
Brahma Vishnu Mahesh Sahsafal Liye Bhet Tere Dwar Khade, Atal Sinhasan Baithi Mata Sir Sone ka Chatra Firey.
Bar Shanichar Kumkum Varano Jab Lau kanth Kar Hukum Kare, Khadag Khappar Trishul Haath Liye Rakt Beej ko Bhasma Kare.
Shumbh Nishumbh ko Kshan me Mare Mahishashur ko Pakad Dale, santan Sukhdaye Sadaa Sahayi Sant Khade Jayakaar Kare. Mangal ki….
Aaditawar Aadi ko Beera Jan apane Ko Kasht hare, Kop Hoykar Daanav mare Chand Mund Sab Choor Kare.
Jab Tum Dekho Daya Roop Hoy Pal me Sankat Door Kare, Soumya Swabhav Dharayo Meri Mata jan Ki Araj Kabool Kare.
Singh Peeth Kar Chadhi Bhavani Atal Bhavan Me Raaj Kare, Brahma Ved Padhe Tere Dvare Shiv Shankr Ji Dhyan Dhare.
Indra KrisknaTere kare Aarti Chanwar Kubere Rahe, Jay Janani Jay Matu Bhavani Atal Bhuvan me Rajya Kare.